Go against the flow.
resist following the majority
The expression 'go against the flow' is used to describe someone acting differently from others or opposing the mainstream pathway. Think about a salmon swimming upstream against the current of a powerful river. It's challenging and exhausting, but the fish is driven by a strong instinct to reach its breeding grounds. Similarly, when a person 'goes against the flow,' they are choosing a path that is less common and often more difficult, driven by their values, beliefs, or long-term goals. This idiom encapsulates the courage and perseverance needed to take such a stand, especially in scenarios where social pressures or norms dictate a more compliant or conformist behavior.
Example Sentences
She likes to go against the flow of popular opinion.
She likes to do things differently from the popular opinion.
Going against the flow, he introduced innovative ideas.
By doing things differently, he introduced innovative ideas.
His rebellious nature makes him go against the flow.
His rebellious nature makes him do things differently.