[Idiom] GRIN AND BEAR IT. - Learning Resilience Through Idioms

Grin and bear it.

Grin and bear it.

/ɡrɪn ənd ˈber ɪt/

Accept an unpleasant situation bravely.

Grin and bear it" is a call to undertake a difficult situation with good grace and patience. The 'grin' part suggests putting on a brave face, while 'bear it' asks you to endure. It is often used in situations where there is little or no choice but to accept and move forward.

Example Sentences

  1. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it during tough times.

    You need to endure tough situations with a positive attitude even if they're difficult.

  2. He disliked the job but had to grin and bear it until something better came along.

    He continued to work at his job despite not liking it, waiting for a better opportunity.

  3. We all grinned and bore it when the boss handed out extra work during the holidays.

    Even though it was not pleasant, everyone accepted the additional workload during the holidays without complaint.

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