[Phrasal Verb] CATCH UP - Stay Updated: Tips on Keeping Up with Peers and Trends

Catch up

Catch up

/ˈkætʃ ʌp/

To get up to date or reach an equal level.

Catch up" can have different meanings based on the context. If you're behind on news or tasks, you might "catch up" on emails or industry news. Friends also use this phrasal verb when they meet after a long time to share what's been happening in their lives.

Example Sentences

  1. Let's catch up over coffee this weekend.

    Let's reconnect and update each other over coffee this weekend.

  2. I need to catch up on some work before we go.

    I need to complete some pending work tasks before we leave.

  3. After not seeing each other for years, they spent hours trying to catch up on each other’s lives.

    After years apart, they spent hours updating each other on their lives.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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