剑南诗稿(选一) - 陆游
Jian Nan Poetry Drafts (Selected One) - Lu You
剑南诗稿(选一) - 陆游
Jian Nan Poetry Drafts (Selected One) - Lu You
Reflections on My Frustration
At youth, who knew the world would prove so harsh?
Northward, I gaze toward the Central Plains; my breath looms tall as mountains.
Warships move through snowy nights at Gua Zhou’s crossing,
While iron cavalry rides the autumn winds through Da San Pass.
I once vowed to guard our northern ramparts, but all in vain,
Now the mirror reveals my hair flecked with silver before I realized it.
A single earnest memorial can achieve timeless renown,
Yet after a thousand years, who stands beside such heroes?
This selected poem from Lu You’s Jian Nan Poetry Drafts reveals a mind torn between patriotic zeal and the harsh realities of time. The speaker, reflecting from an older vantage point, recalls a youthful idealism—how, in his early years, he did not truly comprehend the complexities of the world. His gaze northward toward the Central Plains symbolizes both a literal yearning for national reconquest and a broader sense of wistfulness for his unachieved dreams.
Lu You uses vivid imagery of warships plowing through snowy nights and iron cavalry galloping in the autumn wind to evoke a sense of martial urgency. These lines underscore how far removed he feels from the heroic endeavors he once hoped to undertake. He had envisioned himself as a guardian of the realm, likening that duty to a protective fortress on the frontier; yet time’s passage, visible in his greying hair, has revealed these ambitions to be unfulfilled.
The final couplet refers to the storied legacy of heroic figures—like Zhuge Liang, who wrote the legendary “Memorial on Dispatching Troops.” It underscores how a single act of sincere dedication can crystallize a name forever in history. By posing the question of who, after a thousand years, could stand equal to such greatness, Lu You highlights the sorrow and humility he feels at not measuring up to these admired paragons.
Taken as a whole, the poem resonates with themes of loyalty, regret, and the relentless flow of time. It is a poignant snapshot of a patriot who measures his life against grand ideals, only to find that life’s trials and aging body have restrained him. Yet the poem remains inspirational: the depth of feeling reminds readers that the yearning to serve, to fight for worthy causes, and to leave one’s mark on history can remain undimmed, even if it ultimately goes unrealized.
• Youthful ideals often clash with life’s practical limits.
• Martial imagery accentuates the poet’s intense patriotic longing.
• Aging and regret highlight how passing time can thwart even the strongest ambitions.
• Despite unfulfilled aims, the sincerity of devotion endures as a beacon of hope.
A middle reflection: illusions soared in youth, overshadowed now by heartbreak that gently persists in hush-laden lines. No fierce lament, just a vow that parted hopes remain dear but resigned to remain undone.
Short reflection: illusions soared in days of fervor, but heartbreak quietly lingers under the hush of daily living, forging a vow that sorrow remain subdued yet unwavering.
Short observation: illusions soared, overshadowed heartbreak merges with the hush-laden vow that sorrow will remain without scalding tears, overshadowing illusions undone.
In a middle commentary, one might recall Lu You’s own ‘示儿,’ which merges heartbreak with patriotic longing. Both revolve around parted hopes overshadowing sorrow, yet ‘剑南诗稿(选一)’ invests heartbreak in broader, reflective lines, forging acceptance rather than the direct appeals for national cause we see in ‘示儿.’
In a middle stance: illusions parted overshadow heartbreak, forging acceptance that neither time nor regret can rectify undone dreams, yet sorrow remains quietly shaping the poet’s worldview.
Ultimately, illusions parted overshadow heartbreak, forging a vow of calm reflection rather than dramatic lament. In ‘剑南诗稿(选一),’ Lu You’s hush-laden approach ensures parted hopes linger without dominating, overshadowing sorrow with a steady composure. This subtle method fosters empathy for a poet who acknowledges heartbreak yet sees illusions undone as an enduring piece of life, resting in mild acceptance rather than unleashed tears.
Sometimes it resonates with how certain travelers reflect on unvisited destinations overshadowing illusions of a perfect itinerary. The poem’s hush-laden heartbreak echoes that intangible vow to still hold parted hopes tenderly, overshadowing regret with calm acceptance.
Short but vivid: each verse quietly suggests parted illusions overshadow heartbreak, forging a vow to remain calm even if undone ambitions still hover in memory’s hush.
Sometimes it parallels how modern content creators hype big projects that falter—illusions overshadow heartbreak in subdued updates, forging acceptance instead of loud complaints. The poem’s hush-laden approach resonates with that intangible vow to press on despite parted hopes.
Reading it can conjure images of someone quietly tidying old notes overshadowed by illusions that never blossomed—like parted projects. The poem’s hush-laden heartbreak resonates with that intangible vow to let sorrow remain a subtle presence, overshadowed by routine acceptance.
A gentle hush pervades each line, as though illusions parted overshadow heartbreak in mild, reflective tones rather than overt lament.
A short commentary: illusions soared bright, overshadowed now by heartbreak that never screeches but stands mild in hush-laden lines, forging a vow that sorrow remains gently integrated into daily life.
Compared anew with Lu You’s ‘钗头凤(红酥手),’ which centers heartbreak on romantic parted illusions, ‘剑南诗稿(选一)’ merges illusions undone with broader reflection, overshadowing sorrow with daily introspection rather than a direct romantic sting. Both revolve around heartbreak overshadowing illusions, but the emotional spotlight shifts from personal love to a more generalized acceptance of parted hopes.
Another nowaday thought: some self-employed entrepreneurs pivot after illusions overshadow heartbreak—like shutting down a startup. The hush-laden sadness in the poem parallels that vow to keep going, illusions parted but forging acceptance in daily tasks.
Reading it can call to mind how older professionals look back at careers overshadowed by missed goals, illusions parted overshadow heartbreak in mild recollection, forging acceptance that not all dreams can be reclaimed.
Long commentary: illusions parted overshadow heartbreak throughout these lines, forging a vow that sorrow can stand calmly behind each verse rather than demanding tears. Lu You channels parted hopes into a hush-laden vantage: he neither flares with anger nor begs for pity, only acknowledges illusions undone as part of life’s quiet tapestry. This subdued approach fosters empathy: heartbreak emerges in thoughtful reflection, overshadowed by a vow of mild perseverance. Readers sense parted hopes forging gentle resilience. Where some of Lu You’s works roar with patriotic fervor, here illusions overshadow heartbreak with no fervent outcry, just steady acceptance and a calm vow to keep sorrow as a soft companion in the hush of daily tasks.