[Slang] WHAT'S THE SCOOP? - Stay Updated: Learn How to Ask for News in English

What's the scoop?

What's the scoop?

/wɒts ðə skup/

What's the latest news?

What's the scoop?" is a playful way to ask someone for the latest news or gossip. It's akin to asking, "What's new?" or "What's happening?" This phrase is engaging and friendly, often used when catching up with friends or colleagues. It's a great way to show interest in the other person's life or the latest events in a casual conversation.

Example Sentences

  1. Hey, what's the scoop on the party tomorrow?

    - The person is asking for the latest information or details about the upcoming party.

  2. Got any news? What's the scoop?

    - This is a query asking for any recent updates or news.

  3. I haven't heard from Jake in ages; what's the scoop with him?

    - Someone is curious about a friend named Jake they haven't heard from in a while and wants to know what’s going on with him.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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