[Slang] THAT'S WHACK. - Dive into Discussing the Unusual and Unfair with English Slang

That's whack.

That's whack.

/ðæts wæk/

Strange, unfair, or ridiculous.

That's whack" is a phrase to describe something that is bizarre or very unfair. This term, which emerged from hip-hop culture, is versatile and can be used in both light-hearted and serious contexts. Whether you're talking about a surprising twist in a movie or an unjust situation, this phrase can capture the essence of the unexpected or the unreasonable.

Example Sentences

  1. What he said is totally whack.

    His statement is considered absurd or ridiculous.

  2. That idea is so whack, it just might work.

    Her idea is seen as so odd or outlandish that it might just prove to be successful.

  3. He's got some whack theories, but sometimes they're right on point.

    His theories are unconventional or bizarre, yet occasionally they turn out to be precisely accurate.

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