[Slang] WHAT'S CRACKING? - Discover Exciting Ways to Greet Friends!

What's cracking?

What's cracking?

/wɑts ˈkrækɪŋ/

What's happening?

What's cracking?" is a casual and vibrant way to ask someone what's happening or what they are doing. Popular in informal settings among friends, this phrase adds a touch of fun and energy to conversations. It can be likened to other greetings such as "What's up?" or "How's it going?" but carries a slightly more enthusiastic tone. Using it can instantly make you sound friendly and interested in the other person's life, making it a perfect ice-breaker for social gatherings or casual meet-ups. Learn how to use "What's cracking?" to enhance your daily interactions and make your conversations more engaging.

Example Sentences

  1. Hey, what's cracking? Haven't seen you in ages!

    Hey, what's going on? I haven't seen you in ages!

  2. What's cracking tonight? Any fun plans?

    What's happening tonight? Any fun plans?

  3. Catch up later and tell me what's cracking with everyone in the group.

    Catch up later and tell me what's happening with everyone in the group.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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