[Slang] MAXED OUT. - Optimize Your Language Skills

Maxed out.

Maxed out.

/mækst aʊt/

Fully used or exhausted.

The term "maxed out" is commonly used to describe a situation where something has been used to its full capacity, whether it's financial credit, physical energy, or mental capacity. For example, a person can say they are "maxed out" after a long day of work, implying they can no longer engage in further activities due to exhaustion. It's a useful expression for discussing limits and boundaries in various contexts, helping learners of English navigate conversations about capability and availability effectively.

Example Sentences

  1. My credit card is maxed out after that shopping spree.

    The speaker’s credit card cannot handle any more charges because it has reached its limit due to excessive spending.

  2. I’m maxed out; I can’t work another hour.

    The speaker is extremely tired or overwhelmed and cannot continue working.

  3. We maxed out our capacity at the gym, no more members can join.

    The facility reached its full capacity and cannot accommodate any more individuals.

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