[Slang] WHAT A TRIP. - Explore the World of Unusual Experiences

What a trip.

What a trip.

/wɒt ə trɪp/

An experience that is surprising or exciting.

What a trip" is an expression used to describe an experience that is bizarre, surprising, or deeply impactful. Originally derived from the psychedelic experiences of the 1960s, it now refers to any event that feels surreal or is mind-boggling in some way. This could be anything from traveling to an exotic location, experiencing a cultural shock, or encountering a life-changing event. Using this slang conveys a sense of wonder and amazement at what has transpired.

Example Sentences

  1. That movie was so weird, what a trip!

    The film was bizarre or out of the ordinary, leaving a lasting impression.

  2. Seeing the Grand Canyon for the first time was, what a trip!

    Visiting such a majestic and remarkable place for the first time felt like an extraordinary or surreal experience.

  3. What a trip it was, traveling through those remote villages and experiencing their cultures.

    Traveling through these undiscovered places and experiencing their unique cultures was a highly unusual and memorable experience.

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