[Slang] BACK OFF! - Learn Healthy Boundaries in Relationships

Back off!

Back off!

/bæk ɔf/

Stop what you're doing or decrease your intensity.

The phrase "Back off!" is used to tell someone to stop interfering in a situation or to give someone more space. It can be applied in various scenarios, such as during an argument when one person feels overwhelmed or threatened, or when someone is being too intrusive or aggressive in their approach. The term serves as a direct request for someone to reduce their intensity or involvement. Understanding when and how to use this phrase can help maintain personal boundaries and respect others' space.

Example Sentences

  1. Please, just back off and give me some space.

    The person is asking for personal space and wishes to be left alone.

  2. Hey, back off! I can handle this myself.

    The individual asserts their capability to manage the situation and demands that others stop interfering.

  3. I've had enough, so you better back off and let me do it my way.

    Expressing frustration, the speaker demands others to stop interfering and let them proceed in their own way.

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