[Slang] PUMP THE BRAKES. - Safe Driving: Knowing When to Slow Down

Pump the brakes.

Pump the brakes.

/pʌmp ðə breɪks/

Slow down or stop an action.

To "pump the brakes" means to slow down or delay a process or activity. It's a metaphor derived from the action of applying the brakes in a car, particularly in a cautious or intermittent way to avoid skidding. This slang is used in everyday conversations to advise someone to calm down or to reassess a situation before proceeding. It can apply to anything from a heated conversation to rushing into a decision or action without sufficient thought.

Example Sentences

  1. Let's pump the brakes and think this through.

    Suggesting that it is time to slow down and carefully think about the next steps.

  2. Just pump the brakes on that idea for a moment.

    The expression advises pausing or holding off on further developing that idea until more thought is given.

  3. Before we make a decision, we should pump the brakes and consider all the options.

    Indicates the need to momentarily halt and deliberate thoroughly before making a final decision.

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