[Slang] THAT'S HEFTY. - Explore Common English Slang: Discover What "That's Hefty" Really Means

That's hefty.

That's hefty.

/ðæts ˈhɛfti/

That's large or substantial.

In English slang, "That's hefty" refers to something that is impressively large or substantial, whether in size, amount, or impact. It can be used literally, like describing a large physical object, or metaphorically, such as referring to a significant amount of money or a serious issue. The term paints a picture of something that carries weight or has great significance, making it a useful expression for emphasizing the enormity or seriousness of a situation.

Example Sentences

  1. Wow, that's a hefty price tag on that car!

    The speaker is commenting on the high cost of the car.

  2. Their new house came with a hefty mortgage.

    The statement reflects that buying their new house incurred a large financial obligation.

  3. Considering all the features it offers, that's a hefty piece of machinery.

    The mention of a hefty piece of machinery suggests it has substantial capabilities, justifying its significant cost or size.

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