[Slang] MAKE IT SNAPPY. - Speed Up Your Response Time with These Tips

Make it snappy.

Make it snappy.

/meɪk ɪt ˈsnæpi/

Do it quickly.

The phrase "Make it snappy" is a direct and informal way to tell someone to hurry up or speed up their actions. Often used in casual conversation, this expression reflects urgency and a need for quick response. It's especially relevant in service-oriented scenarios, such as dining or retail, where efficient service is valued. Understanding and using such phrases can significantly improve your verbal interactions in fast-paced environments, encouraging more dynamic and effective communication.

Example Sentences

  1. Time's running out, make it snappy!

    Urgency to complete the task quickly.

  2. Please, make it snappy; we need to leave soon.

    Requesting to hurry up as they need to leave soon.

  3. If you could finish that report and make it snappy, it would be perfect.

    Request to finish the report quickly for timeliness.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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