[Slang] CALL IT A DAY. - English at Work: Knowing When to Pause

Call it a day.

Call it a day.

Stop working.

To "call it a day" means to stop working on something, either temporarily or at the end of the day. This slang is commonly used to indicate that one considers enough progress has been made, and it's time to take a rest or move on to other activities.

Example Sentences

  1. Let's wrap this up and call it a day, everyone's tired.

    Let's finish up and stop for the day; everyone's tired.

  2. We've done enough; let's call it a day.

    We've done enough work; let's stop for the day.

  3. After hours of meetings, the team decided to call it a day and discuss the remaining issues tomorrow.

    After hours of meetings, the team decided to stop working and discuss remaining issues tomorrow.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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