[Slang] IN THE CLEAR. - How to Communicate You Are Blame-Free

In the clear.

In the clear.

/ɪn ðə klɪr/

Free from blame or accusation.

In the clear" is a phrase used to indicate that someone is no longer under suspicion or free from any blame or obligation. This idiom is often used in legal or formal contexts but can also apply to everyday situations where accountability is important. For example, after resolving a misunderstanding at work, you might use this expression to indicate that the issue has been settled and there are no hard feelings. Learning to use such expressions can help clarify your status in complex interactions, making it a valuable communication tool.

Example Sentences

  1. Once the boss leaves, we'll be in the clear.

    Will be safe once the boss leaves.

  2. Finally got through that without any trouble; now we're in the clear.

    Relief after successfully getting through something without trouble.

  3. After checking everything, the officer said we were in the clear and could proceed.

    Confirmed everything is okay and granted permission to proceed.

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