Laugh all the way to the bank.
Laugh all the way to the bank.
“Laugh all the way to the bank”这个习语在英语中用来形容轻松地赚大钱或在经济上取得一笔意外的大成功。在中文中,这可以理解为‘轻松赚钱’。通常用来形容某人在某个交易中赢得了大量的金钱,而且过程出奇的顺利。比如,如果一个投资者投资了一个小众市场并意外地赚取了巨额利润,我们就可以说这个人‘轻松赚钱’。这个表达强调了无压力且成功的财务收益,常带有一点幸灾乐祸的意味。
The successful author is laughing all the way to the bank.
With her thriving business, she is laughing all the way to the bank.
After the big deal, they were laughing all the way to the bank with their profits.