Get ball rolling.
/ɡɛt bɔːl ˈroʊ.lɪŋ/
Get ball rolling.
/ɡɛt bɔːl ˈroʊ.lɪŋ/
想像一下,你同朋友圍住一枱,討論一個新計畫。有人就要提出首個建譯,即係「Get the ball rolling」嘅意思。係英語中,呢個成語用來形容開始一個過程或者活動。如果你係隊長,你通常需要做嘅就係推動大家開始行動。例如喺會議上,一個項目需要進行,你可能會話:「Let's get the ball rolling by defining the project goals.」即係說,我哋透過確定項目目標來開始我哋嘅計劃。透過呢個成語,我哋可以鼓勵大家放下猶豫,開始採取行動,就好似滾動一個球咁,一旦開始咗,就會越滾越順。
Let's get the ball rolling on this project.
We need to get the ball rolling by hiring more staff.
To ensure a successful launch, they got the ball rolling on the marketing campaign well in advance.