Twist the knife.
/twɪst ðə naɪf/
Twist the knife.
/twɪst ðə naɪf/
「Twist the knife」字面上聽起來相當猛烈,佢係用來形容一個人故意在心理或情感上對他人造成更大嘅痛苦。想象一下,有人已經比較傷心或者受到打擊,而你唔單止冇幫助佢,反而進一步嘲笑或批評,呢就好似係心理上「轉動刀片」一樣,使傷口更深。喺關係中,有意識地避免「twist the knife」係非常重要嘅。當沖突發生時,我哋應該尋求解決問題嘅方法,而唔係進一步激化矛盾。通過理解和尊重他人嘅感受,增進溝通技巧,我哋可以有效地解決分歧,保持人際和諧。
After losing the game, his comments just twisted the knife even more.
輸咗場比賽之後, 佢嘅評論更令情況雪上加霜。
She knew I was upset, and her sarcastic remark really twisted the knife.
When he brought up her past mistakes during the argument, it was like he was twisting the knife.