Shoot the breeze.
/ʃuːt ðə briz/
Shoot the breeze.
/ʃuːt ðə briz/
「Shoot the breeze」呢個短語用嚟形容隨意嘅閒聊或者聊天。喺美國俚語中,Breeze本身就是風嘅意思,而「Shoot the breeze」即是射風,形容話語好似無目的咁飄過,但卻係建立關係嘅一種方式。想像你同朋友喺咖啡店,冇咩特別嘅目的,只係輕鬆咁交談,享受共度時光。喺工作場合,同事間嘅「Shoot the breeze」可以有助於減輕壓力,締造更友好嘅工作環境。閒聊雖然看似無關緊要,但實際上能夠增進人與人之間嘅理解同信任,為係深入嘅工作合作或私人關係打下良好嘅基礎。所以善用「Shoot the breeze」,用輕鬆愉快嘅交談令日常生活更加豐富多彩。
We like to shoot the breeze during lunch breaks.
John and Mary shot the breeze while waiting for the bus.
John 同 Mary 喺等巴士嗰陣時傾吓閒天。
Sometimes, shooting the breeze with an old friend is all you need to feel better.