Take the plunge.
Take the plunge.
人生充滿選擇,有時候我哋需要作出大膽嘅決定去迎接新挑戰。「Take the plunge」這個成語正正用來形容此種情況,直譯做「跳入水中」,比喻決心做出一個可能具有風險嘅重大決策。當你站在高台之上,望住前面嘅水池,知道一旦跳下去,就無法回頭,這就係「Take the plunge」嘅感覺。無論係決定轉工、搬家、開始一段新關係,抑或投資一項新事業,呢個詞都非常合用。例子方面,想像一個人一直想創業但擔心失敗,最終他選擇「Take the plunge」,勇敢地開設自己嘅公司。這個成語鼓勵人們面對恐懼,接受挑戰,同時提醒我哋要準備充分,因為每一次跳躍都是對自我極限的試煉。使用這個成語可以使人了解到,有時候,勇往直前可能是走向成功的唯一途徑。
After years of hesitation, she finally took the plunge and started her own business.
We decided to take the plunge and move to a new city for better job opportunities.
Taking the plunge into marriage was a big step, but they were ready to commit to each other.