Drop a hint.
Drop a hint.
「Drop a hint」呢個成語喺廣東話入面可以翻譯做「間接提示」,意思就係唔直接講出自己嘅意圖或者需求,而係通過一啲細微嘅暗示去表達。例如你想去睇戲,但唔想直接話出口,你就可以話:「最近有啲咩好戲呀?」朋友聽到之後可能會察覺到你其實係想邀請佢一齊去睇戲。喺工作場合或者社交場合都好,「Drop a hint」係一個好用嘅溝通技巧,幫助你在保持禮貌嘅同時達到自己嘅目的。
She dropped a hint about her favorite cake hoping he'd remember.
Trying to drop a hint, Tom mentioned he had always wanted to see a live jazz band.
During the meeting, Sarah dropped a hint about her availability, hoping her boss would consider her for the new project.