Don't put the cart before the horse.
Don't put the cart before the horse.
「Don't put the cart before the horse」喺字面上直譯係「唔應該車拉馬」,比喻不應該顛倒事物嘅自然次序或先後關係。喺香港,我哋或會說「先小人後君子」,教導我哋要有序進行事情,合理安排先後。比如計劃一個項目,應該先做好充足嘅規劃同研究,然後再進行執行和評估。如果盲目咁開始行動而無考慮整體計劃,就好比車拉住馬走,最終可能導致項目失敗。呢個成語警示我哋着眼於整體策略佈局,合理安排時間和資源,以達成目標。
Planning the details before setting goals is like putting the cart before the horse.
He decided on a marketing strategy before knowing his product well, which was putting the cart before the horse.
Make sure you know what the community needs before launching the project, or you'll be putting the cart before the horse.