Out of the loop.
/aʊt ʌv ðə lup/
Out of the loop.
/aʊt ʌv ðə lup/
「Out of the loop」形容一個人喺某個討論或決策過程中被排除在外,無法得到重要訊息或者參與重要決定。想像你喺一間公司工作,但係突然間發覺自己唔知某個重要項目嘅進展,咁即係你「Out of the loop」了。喺職場上,保持資訊流通係好重要嘅,因為佢可以幫助員工感受到被重視同埋有參與感。如果發覺自己「Out of the loop」,應該主動向同事或者上司詢問,確保自己可以同步更新進度,從而有效地參與團隊工作。同時,領導者哋也需要留意是否所有團隊成員都有足夠嘅信息來執行各自嘅任務。透過有效嘅溝通,可以減少工作中嘅誤解同提高團隊效能。
She felt out of the loop after returning from her vacation.
I've been out of the loop; what's the latest update on the project?
He tried to catch up with all the departmental changes after being out of the loop during his medical leave.