Nail it down.
Nail it down.
「Nail it down」喺講英時,意思係強調將事情嘅細節完全確定下來。喺香港,咁嘅行為可以用「釘牢」來形容。假設你正在籌備一個重要嘅項目,「Nail it down」就是項目管理中非常重要嘅一步﹣確保所有計劃嘅細節都被精確設定同跟進。這句成語喺商業交易或任何需要精確規劃嘅場合都非常適用。例如在進行合約談判時,確保所有條款都「釘牢」,對於避免未來嘅誤解同糾紛至關重要。
Before you sign the lease, nail it down on how many guests you can have.
I spent the weekend negotiating with our contractors to nail it down on the cost before committing to the home renovation project.
After a series of misunderstandings, we had a detailed meeting with our client to nail down the exact requirements and deadlines for the project, ensuring everyone was on the same page.