Bite the hand that feeds.
Bite the hand that feeds.
「Bite the hand that feeds」係一個講述反咬一口嘅俚語。想象一下,如果你餵食一隻狗,而狗反過來咬你嘅手,就係「Bite the hand that feeds」。喺人際關係或工作場合,當一個人傷害或背叛幫助過佢嘅人時,我哋可以用這個俚語來形容。例如,一個員工辭職去幫助競爭對手公司,就可以被視為「Bite the hand that feeds」。透過故事,我哋能夠更加深刻地理解這種行為對人際關係嘅影響。
Don't bite the hand that feeds.
Criticizing your manager might feel good, but remember not to bite the hand that feeds.
Complaining about the company could hurt your job security, so don't bite the hand that feeds.