Take the edge off.
Take the edge off.
英語成語「Take the edge off」原意是減少某物的銳利度或強度,喺日常生活中,我們可以用它來形容減輕緊張或不適的情緒。例如,係一個大重要會議之前,可能會飲一杯咖啡或茶來「減輕壓力」,或者同朋友講下笑話,幫自己「放輕鬆」。喺香港嘅快節奏生活下,了解同使用「Take the edge off」這個成語,對於描述日常生活中常見的紓壓方法十分有用。透過學習使用這個成語,可以幫助你更自然地與人交流自己的感受及處理壓力的方式。
A cup of tea might take the edge off your headache.
After the intense meeting, they went for drinks to take the edge off the stress.
He took a deep breath to take the edge off his nervousness before stepping onto the stage.