Hold the fort.
Hold the fort.
「Hold the fort」字面意思係要守住堡壘,引申至保持現狀或負責在某人缺席時處理事宜。可用來描述一個人在其他同事或領導缺席時,要扛起責任保障事物照常運作。例如一位助理在老闆外出期间照顧辦公室事务,就可以用「I'll hold the fort while you're away」來表達。學習這個習語可以幫助我哋理解在困難或壓力中堅守崗位的重要性,並能夠精確描述在特定情況下的責任和義務。
Mike had to hold the fort at work while everyone else was at the corporate retreat.
When our manager got sick, I was asked to hold the fort until she recovered.
Since the boss was traveling, Janet held the fort and made sure all deadlines were met.