Grab the bull by the horns.
Grab the bull by the horns.
「Grab the bull by the horns」係一個形容勇敢面對困難和挑戰的英語成語,意思係直接而果斷地處理問題。想像一下,如果你真係需要去控制一隻公牛,最有效嘅方法就係直接握緊牠的角,這樣你就可以直接掌控局面。喺現實生活中,當我們遇到看似難以克服的挑戰時,最好的策畢就是直接面對,解決問題。無論係職場衝突、學業壓力或人際關係的問題,「大膽應對」都意味著不回避難題,勇敢地去解決它。
It's time to grab the bull by the horns and ask for a promotion.
Faced with a difficult project, she decided to grab the bull by the horns and lead the team herself.
When the company was struggling, he grabbed the bull by the horns, implementing radical changes to save the business.