Put it on the line.
Put it on the line.
當我哋講到「Put it on the line」呢個成語時,其實係指一個人願意冒險,以達到某種目的。喺香港嘅商業世界裏面,呢句話可以用來形容一個企業家冒住大風險投資一個新項目。生活中,無論係關係抑或職場決策,你都可能需要「冒險」去實現更大嘅成功。當然,冒險並唔等於魯莽。做決定之前要評估所有風險同可能嘅收益,咁樣你先可以確保自己「冒險」嘅時候,係有準備同有計劃嘅。
Deciding to invest all his savings in the new business, he was putting it all on the line.
She put her reputation on the line by endorsing the controversial product.
To protect his team, he put his own career on the line during the negotiations.