Quick on the uptake.
Quick on the uptake.
「Quick on the uptake」指某人學習新事物或理解信息嘅速度非常快。喺香港,速度係一種非常重要嘅競爭優勢,無論係學業定係工作。如果你能夠快速掌握新技能或者迅速回應變化,咁就可以在很多情况下取得先機。通過此成語,我哋了解到,提升自己嘅學習效率同處理信息嘅能力,對於個人成長和職業成功都非常關鍵。學習如何成為一個「理解快」嘅人,幫助你在快節奏嘅社會中保持競爭力。
He's quick on the uptake, so he immediately grasped the new software without any training.
Lisa was quick on the uptake, understanding the joke faster than anyone else.
As a quick on the uptake employee, Jack could always be relied upon to adapt to changes efficiently and effectively during company transitions.