Live it up.
「Live it up」係講當你放鬆自己,盡情享受生活嘅時刻。喺香港呢個繁忙嘅都市,大家常常被生活嘅壓力同忙碌所困,好少有機會真正嘅放鬆。不過,了解同實踐「Live it up」可以促使我哋挪出時間來真正享受生活嘅樂趣,譬如說和親朋好友去旅行,或者投身於自己嘅興趣同嗜好。喺咁樣繁忙嘅生活節奏中,抽時間嚟享受生活,不但可以幫助放鬆身心,也可以提升生活質素和心理健康。
We decided to live it up in Vegas for the weekend.
On her birthday, she really lived it up with a luxury spa day.
After getting a big promotion, Jake decided it was time to live it up, so he booked an exotic vacation.