本課程以公園漫步為主題,帶領同學透過生動的字彙描寫自然環境,請著重學習文章中的關鍵詞並嘗試在寫作中使用。Taking a quiet stroll through the park can be incredibly relaxing. As you wander along the winding paths, pay close attention to every sight and sound. Notice the gentle rustle of leaves under a shady canopy, and feel the breeze brush against your face. If you look closely, you might spot a butterfly fluttering among vibrant flowers. Take a moment to inhale the crisp morning air, touched by the refreshing scent of dewy grass. Scattered sunbeams peek through the branches, illuminating hidden corners of the park. By observing these small details, you invite a calming sense of mindfulness. Perhaps you’ll pause near a pond to reflect on your thoughts while ducks swim lazily. The soothing harmony of nature helps clear away stress and renew your energy. When you immerse yourself in the park’s peaceful atmosphere, you develop deeper awareness of the world around you. Embrace each detail, and allow the greenery, the chirping birds, and the serene environment to enrich your language skills. With consistent practice, you can describe every captivating moment more vividly in your writing.
- Taking a quiet stroll through the park can be incredibly relaxing.
- stroll (動詞) - 漫步
- saunter - saunter 通常用於形容輕鬆自在、無特別目的地漫步,帶有悠哉且放鬆的感受,適合在文學或較具抒情的情境中。
- wander - wander 形容在各處漫無目的地走動,也可暗示思緒的飄忽不定。可用於遊覽新地方或放空心靈的情況。
- As you wander along the winding paths...
- winding (形容詞) - 蜿蜒的
- meandering - meandering 描述道路、河流等迂迴曲折的路徑,常用於帶出悠閒、放鬆的氛圍,也可作為形容文章或話題轉來轉去的比喻。
- twisting - twisting 強調明顯的彎曲或扭轉感,較直接表達路徑或線條的彎折,在描寫地形或物體時相當貼切。
- Notice the gentle rustle of leaves under a shady canopy...
- rustle (名詞) - 沙沙聲
- whisper - whisper 通常用於表達低聲細語或輕微的聲響,能在文學描寫中展現細膩的意境,例如風輕聲穿過樹葉。
- murmur - murmur 帶有含糊不清、帶點連續性的低聲,可用於形容水流、樹葉或人聲的柔和聲響。
- Notice the gentle rustle of leaves under a shady canopy...
- canopy (名詞) - 樹冠層、樹蔭
- cover - cover 一般指遮蓋之物,範圍較廣,像是屋頂、布料等,強調保護或隱蔽的功能,適合非正式敘述。
- umbrella of leaves - umbrella of leaves 偏向具體且具畫面感的描述,用於更生動地描繪樹葉形成的自然頂篷。
- You might spot a butterfly fluttering among vibrant flowers.
- fluttering (動詞) - 拍動、振翅
- flitting - flitting 帶有迅速移動、輕盈飄動的意味,常用於描述昆蟲、鳥類或小動物的活潑動作。
- hovering - hovering 多用於表達懸停或停留於某處上方,強調動作穩定且無明顯前進,常見於昆蟲或直升機的描述。
- Take a moment to inhale the crisp morning air...
- crisp (形容詞) - 清新的、涼爽的
- fresh - fresh 用於形容空氣、水或食物的新鮮感,也可指事物充滿活力與新意。在日常對話和寫作中相當普遍。
- brisk - brisk 強調輕快且涼爽的氣氛或動作,通常伴隨令人振奮的感受。可形容天氣、散步速度或工作效率。
- Touched by the refreshing scent of dewy grass, you catch a pleasant fragrance.
- fragrance (名詞) - 香氣
- aroma - aroma 帶有濃郁誘人的味道,多形容食物、咖啡或花香時使用,能突顯香氣的豐富度。
- perfume - perfume 偏向人造或花朵本身散發的香味,可用於形容室內空間或個人使用的香水。
- Scattered sunbeams peek through the branches...
- scattered (形容詞) - 分散的、零星的
- sprinkled - sprinkled 表示像灑下般零星散落,常用於形容細微的分散佈局,帶有輕柔的視覺效果。
- sporadic - sporadic 比較強調不定期且斷斷續續出現,適用於任何事物在時間或空間上的零星分布。
- Perhaps you’ll pause near a pond to reflect on your thoughts while ducks swim lazily.
- reflect (動詞) - 沉思、反省
- contemplate - contemplate 帶有更深層、專注思考的意涵,多用於對未來計畫、哲學問題或人生選擇進行深入思考時。
- ponder - ponder 偏向對某件事情做仔細而持續的思考,時間可能較長,帶有認真評估的意味。
- The soothing harmony of nature helps clear away stress and renew your energy.
- renew (動詞) - 重新振作、恢復
- rejuvenate - rejuvenate 強調恢復年輕感或活力,常用於形容人身心的再生或空間環境重新煥然一新的狀態。
- revitalize - revitalize 偏向使組織、城市或個人重新充滿生機,常出現在商業計畫或城市重建等正式討論中。
- When you immerse yourself in the park’s peaceful atmosphere, you develop deeper awareness of the world around you.
- awareness (名詞) - 覺察、意識
- consciousness - consciousness 帶有深層的感知與思維層面,多用於心理學或哲學討論,強調對於內外在狀態的理解。
- mindfulness - mindfulness 強調專注當下、不受雜念干擾,是近年流行的自我覺察概念,多用於減壓與靜心練習。
- With consistent practice, you can describe every captivating moment more vividly in your writing.
- captivating (形容詞) - 吸引人的
- enchanting - enchanting 更著重於帶有魔幻或令人著迷的特質,能營造出奇幻或浪漫的氛圍,多出現在文學或詩意場景。
- mesmerizing - mesmerizing 帶有令人目不轉睛的感覺,強調視覺或感官上產生的深刻吸引力,適用於藝術、景觀或表演的描寫。