「雜貨」的生字詞彙 ※ 快速雜貨採買:為忙碌購物者提供的效率用語 ※ 強效英語課堂

Quick Grocery Run: Efficient Words for Busy Shoppers: A busy grocery store scene with neatly organized aisles, showing shoppers grabbing items and heading to the checkout.


Quick Grocery Run: Efficient Words for Busy Shoppers




Sometimes you only have a few minutes to grab everything you need at the grocery store. To make your trip smoother, plan a short list of essentials before you leave home. That way, you can breeze through aisles without wasting time. If a particular shelf is empty, check a different section or ask a staff member for assistance. Remember to compare prices quickly by glancing at the cost per unit. It might help to use self-checkout if you have just a few items. This saves waiting in long lines. Once you’re done, you’ll appreciate how fast you got everything. A quick grocery run not only simplifies your day but also frees up time for other tasks. With these efficient strategies and words, you’ll be able to describe your shopping trip with clarity and ease in your English writing exam, while mastering a practical skill for real life too!



  1. Plan a short list of essentials before you leave home.
    • essentials (名詞) - 必需品
    • necessities - necessities 形容生活中不可或缺的物品或條件,常用於強調基本需求,如食物、水、衣物等。
    • must-haves - must-haves 偏口語化,強調在特定情境下一定要擁有或準備的物品,常用於時尚、旅行或購物情境。
  2. That way, you can breeze through aisles without wasting time.
    • breeze (動詞) - 輕鬆通過、輕鬆完成
    • sail - sail 也可用於比喻輕鬆順利地進行某件事,常見於口語化描述,如 sail through an exam。
    • glide - glide 強調平穩、毫不費力地移動,可用於形容走路、移動或完成工作時的順暢感。
  3. That way, you can breeze through aisles without wasting time.
    • aisles (名詞) - 走道(指超市的貨架通道)
    • corridors - corridors 一般用於建築物內的走廊或通道,較不專指商店貨架間的通道,但仍可比喻類似空間。
    • lanes - lanes 多用於形容行車道或賽道,偶爾可用於比喻商店或倉庫中可供移動的通道。
  4. If a particular shelf is empty, check a different section...
    • section (名詞) - 區域、區段
    • area - area 為通用詞,可用於形容任何區域或範圍,應用範圍廣泛,適用於室內或戶外。
    • department - department 常用於大型商店或超市,區分出不同商品類別的部門,如服飾部、食品部。
  5. Ask a staff member for assistance.
    • assistance (名詞) - 協助、幫助
    • help - help 是日常最常見的用詞,表示需要他人的支持或協助,適用於多種情境且易於理解。
    • aid - aid 較正式,常用於緊急或更莊重場合中,強調外部提供的資源或幫助。
  6. Remember to compare prices quickly by glancing at the cost per unit.
    • compare (動詞) - 比較
    • contrast - contrast 強調對比差異或相反的特徵,常用於更深入地分析兩者的不同點或反差程度。
    • evaluate - evaluate 帶有評估的意味,強調細緻地分析多個面向以得出最合適的選擇或結論。
  7. Remember to compare prices quickly by glancing at the cost per unit.
    • glancing (動詞) - 迅速瀏覽、匆匆一瞥
    • taking a quick look - taking a quick look 偏口語化,強調短暫且非深入的觀察,用於描述日常情境下快速確認。
    • scanning - scanning 也表示快速檢視文本或環境,找出關鍵資訊,可在閱讀考題或尋找目標物品時使用。
  8. Compare prices quickly by glancing at the cost per unit.
    • cost per unit (名詞片語) - 單價(每單位成本)
    • price per item - price per item 側重每件商品的價格,可用於標示出單獨的售價資訊,讓購物者比較不同品牌。
    • unit price - unit price 是常見於零售業或批發業的專業用語,指明確統一標準的價格計算方式,方便比較。
  9. It might help to use self-checkout if you have just a few items.
    • self-checkout (名詞) - 自助結帳
    • automated checkout - automated checkout 側重於系統自動化功能,適合正式或技術性文件,指由機器協助結帳的程序。
    • DIY checkout - DIY checkout 帶有自己動手操作的意味,較口語化,能在非正式場合中強調消費者自助的主動性。
  10. A quick grocery run ... frees up time for other tasks.
    • frees up (短語動詞) - 騰出(時間、空間)
    • spares - spares 偏向較正式或中性語氣,多用於保留或節省資源,含有使某人免於做多餘事情的意思。
    • makes available - makes available 較直接闡述因為某行動而擁有可運用的時間或物品,適合半正式場合。
  11. You’ll be able to describe your shopping trip with clarity...
    • clarity (名詞) - 清晰度
    • lucidity - lucidity 較正式且文學性,強調思路或表達的透徹明瞭,多用於嚴謹或深度的論述場合。
    • transparency - transparency 常用於政策或資訊公開場合,描述資訊流動或溝通時毫不隱藏,強調開誠布公。
  12. ...while mastering a practical skill for real life too!
    • mastering (動詞) - 熟練掌握
    • perfecting - perfecting 側重於從好到更好,致力於提升至最佳狀態,可用於形容語言、技能或藝能的精進。
    • becoming proficient in - becoming proficient in 較正式表達熟練度的提升,也能帶出持續學習與成長的過程。


課程精選十二個重點字彙,如 “essentials”、“breeze” 與 “self-checkout” 等,並附上適用於不同情境的替代用詞,協助學生在寫作中靈活應用。透過範文的展示與詞彙解析,本課著重於迅速且精準地描述購物體驗,從列出必需品清單到選用快速結帳方式,都能顯示出組織條理與有效溝通的能力。藉由運用這些詞彙,學生可在雜貨店或超市購物時更具備應對自如的英文表達能力,也能在寫作考試中展現對實用情境的觀察與掌握。持續練習後,將能在考場上以更流暢、完整的文章呈現自己對日常購物的心得與策略。
