本課程聚焦沙龍領域,透過真實的預約與諮詢情境,讓你熟悉禮貌請求與專業美髮字彙的應用方式。Visiting a salon can be both exciting and a bit overwhelming, especially if you want to politely request a particular style. It’s helpful to begin by explaining your preferences to the stylist and asking for a consultation before starting any service. You can say something like, “Could you recommend a haircut that complements my face shape?” or “I’d love to add layers for more volume.” If you receive a compliment from your stylist about your hair’s texture, take it as a positive sign to move forward with confidence. Don’t hesitate to ask for an adjustment if something feels off. For example, you might say, “Would you mind trimming the ends a little more?” or “Could I get a touch up on my highlights?” Even if you decide on something more dramatic like a perm, communication is key. Throughout the process, remember to remain clear and courteous in your requests. This approach can ensure a pleasant experience and a stylish makeover that matches your vision. By expressing gratitude and understanding, you build rapport with your stylist, helping you achieve the best possible result. Whether you’re opting for a simple trim or a bold new color, showing politeness and clarity will make your salon day truly satisfying.
- It’s helpful to begin by explaining your preferences to the stylist and asking for a consultation before starting any service if you want to politely request a particular style.
- politely (副詞) - 禮貌地
- courteously - 「courteously」能表達同樣的禮貌,但語氣更正式。通常用於強調對他人表現出尊重與良好教養,在正式場合或需要維持莊重氛圍時更能凸顯禮儀。
- respectfully - 「respectfully」除了表達禮貌,還帶有對對方地位或經驗的尊重,常用於面對長輩、上司或專業人士時,突顯謙遜與體貼。
- Visiting a salon can be exciting if you want to politely request a particular style.
- request (動詞) - 請求、要求
- ask for - 「ask for」較口語化,適合日常情境。可清楚表達你想得到某服務或物品,但語氣可以根據對象調整正式或非正式。
- inquire about - 「inquire about」語氣相對正式,多用於詢問更詳細或專業的資訊。若要體現嚴肅或正式的語氣,可選用此詞。
- It’s helpful to begin by explaining your preferences to the stylist and asking for a consultation.
- stylist (名詞) - 髮型師
- hairdresser - 「hairdresser」較通俗,同指從事美髮工作的人員。通常用於一般生活情境中,較沒有強烈的專業形象區隔。
- hair artist - 「hair artist」帶有藝術創作的意味,適合形容在髮型設計上擁有極富創意或高超技術的人員。強調美學與設計感。
- It’s helpful to begin by explaining your preferences to the stylist and asking for a consultation before starting any service.
- consultation (名詞) - 諮詢
- advice session - 「advice session」是比較口語化的說法,可描述任何專業人員提供指導或建議的簡短時間。適合在非正式的對話中使用。
- discussion - 「discussion」範圍廣,用於各種需要雙方深入交流的場域。若想強調雙向的意見交換,可用此字,但較無美髮專業的針對性。
- You can say something like, “Could you recommend a haircut that complements my face shape?”
- recommend (動詞) - 推薦
- suggest - 「suggest」用於提出想法或方案,語氣相對委婉且常見於日常對話。若想更輕鬆地提供選擇,可選用此字。
- advise - 「advise」在正式程度上略高於「suggest」,側重專業或權威背景下的建議。例如專業人士提供意見時,較常使用此字。
- If you receive a compliment from your stylist about your hair’s texture, take it as a positive sign to move forward with confidence.
- compliment (名詞) - 稱讚
- praise - 「praise」多用於正式場合或指對人表現的高度肯定。若想表達更莊重且深度的肯定,可以使用「praise」。
- flattery - 「flattery」帶有逢迎或恭維的意味,可能有真心或不真心的成份。若想強調對方可能是為了討好而讚美,可使用此字。
- Don’t hesitate to ask for an adjustment if something feels off.
- adjustment (名詞) - 調整
- modification - 「modification」著重於對原有計畫或設計做細部修改。用於希望對既有結構進行更精細的修正或改變時,能精準表達需求。
- tweak - 「tweak」是較口語化的單詞,表示小範圍或微幅的調整,常用於非正式場合。適合描述在細節上進行的輕微修正。
- For example, you might say, “Would you mind trimming the ends a little more?”
- trim (動詞) - 修剪
- snip - 「snip」帶有輕快剪切的意味,通常用於較小幅度或快速的剪裁。在口語場合中能表達輕鬆、即時的修剪動作。
- shorten - 「shorten」強調長度上的縮短,用於指頭髮、衣物或文件等不同事物時都很適合。若想直白表達需要減少長度,可使用此字。
- Could I get a touch up on my highlights?
- touch up (片語動詞) - 稍加修飾、補強
- refine - 「refine」側重細節打磨與精緻化處理,通常用於讓作品或外表更完美。適用於正式或學術性場合,更具專業感。
- freshen up - 「freshen up」偏向日常用法,常用於小幅度修飾或快速度整。與「touch up」類似,但語氣更輕鬆隨意。
- Could I get a touch up on my highlights?
- highlights (名詞) - 挑染
- streaks - 「streaks」可指頭髮上顏色較明顯的線條或條帶,比「highlights」更強調色塊的明顯對比。適用於形容較大面積或顏色突出的挑染。
- foils - 「foils」是美髮專業術語,指使用鋁箔紙分區上色的方式。若你想強調專業技術層面或與美髮師討論染髮流程,可使用此字。
- Even if you decide on something more dramatic like a perm, communication is key.
- perm (名詞) - 燙髮
- permanent wave - 「permanent wave」是「perm」的完整形式,多用於正式或專業的美髮術語場合,更能凸顯化學藥劑燙髮的過程。
- curling treatment - 「curling treatment」側重於燙捲的過程及效果。若你想特別強調燙捲技術或療程細節,可使用此說法。
- I’d love to add layers for more volume.
- layers (名詞) - 層次
- graduation - 「graduation」在美髮領域表示逐層漸變的修剪,強調頭髮從短到長的平滑過渡。若你想討論更柔和的層次感,可用此字。
- texture cut - 「texture cut」側重於剪出特殊質感與層次,讓頭髮顯得更有動感或立體度。適用於討論多層次的視覺效果。