[Idiom] COSTS AN ARM AND A LEG. - Discover Why Some Things Are Surprisingly Expensive

Costs an arm and a leg.

Costs an arm and a leg.

/kɔːsts ən ɑːm ənd ə lɛɡ/

Extremely expensive.

The phrase "costs an arm and a leg" is used to describe something that is very expensive, often prohibitively so. It's believed to have originated from the days when portraits were commissioned and the price would increase if the painting included limbs, as these were harder to paint accurately. Today, this idiom is commonly used in everyday conversations, especially when discussing large purchases like houses, cars, or even high medical bills. It conveys the idea of sacrificing something significant, akin to an arm and a leg, to make the payment. This vivid expression helps to emphasize the high cost of something in a somewhat humorous or hyperbolic manner, making the conversation more engaging and relatable.

Example Sentences

  1. This car costs an arm and a leg.

    The expression indicates that buying the car is very expensive.

  2. That sofa costs an arm and a leg.

    Purchasing the sofa involves a substantial financial outlay, suggesting it's very pricey.

  3. Buying a new house nowadays costs an arm and a leg because of the high market prices.

    The sentence conveys that buying a new house requires a significant financial investment due to elevated market prices.

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