Quiet as a mouse.
Very quiet.
The idiom 'Quiet as a mouse' paints a picture of absolute silence, often used to describe someone being very stealthy or inconspicuous. The comparison to a mouse, known for its small, gentle nature and ability to move quietly and unnoticed, perfectly encapsulates the kind of quietness this phrase intends to convey. Use this expression when you're trying to describe scenarios where someone is moving silently or staying particularly quiet to avoid drawing attention to themselves. It’s particularly effective in storytelling, where setting an intense, suspenseful scene requires characters to be as inconspicuous as possible.
Example Sentences
The baby was as quiet as a mouse during the entire flight.
The baby was very quiet during the entire flight.
As she entered the library, she made sure to be as quiet as a mouse so as not to disturb others.
She made sure to be very quiet upon entering the library.
He sneaked into the room quiet as a mouse, hoping not to wake anyone up.
He moved very quietly to avoid waking anyone.