[Idiom] MAKE A SCENE. - Avoiding Public Disruptions: Keep Cool in Public

Make a scene.

Make a scene.

Create a public disturbance.

'Make a scene' refers to causing a loud, often embarrassing public disturbance through excessive or dramatic behavior. This idiom captures the imagination of a theatrical scene playing out not on stage, but in real life, where individuals draw unwelcome attention or cause a commotion. It’s frequently used to describe someone reacting uproariously in a way that disrupts the peace or draws public scrutiny.

Example Sentences

  1. Don’t make a scene at the restaurant.

    Don’t cause a disturbance at the restaurant.

  2. She made a scene when she didn’t get her way at the store.

    She caused a disturbance when she didn’t get her way at the store.

  3. Making a scene will only embarrass you in public.

    Causing a disturbance will only lead to public embarrassment.

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