[Idiom] FALL THROUGH THE CRACKS. - Avoiding Overlooked Mistakes in Life and Work

Fall through the cracks.

Fall through the cracks.

/fɔːl θruː ðə kræks/

Neglected or overlooked.

The idiom "fall through the cracks" refers to situations or details that are overlooked or neglected, often due to gaps in a system or organization. It emphasizes how important issues or people can be missed in the hustle and bustle of everyday activities. For example, in a busy work environment, a critical email might "fall through the cracks" if not properly flagged, resulting in missed opportunities or misunderstandings. Understanding this idiom helps in recognizing the importance of attentiveness and thoroughness in all areas of life to ensure that nothing important is disregarded.

Example Sentences

  1. Important details often fall through the cracks during busy times.

    During hectic periods, important details are often overlooked or forgotten.

  2. Her case fell through the cracks in the system.

    An individual's situation is overlooked due to systemic failures or gaps.

  3. Many such issues fall through the cracks unless closely monitored.

    Issues tend to be neglected or overlooked unless they are given dedicated attention.

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