[Idiom] UNDER THE GUN. - How to Thrive Under Tight Deadlines

Under the gun.

Under the gun.

/ˈʌndər ðə ɡʌn/

Under pressure to meet a deadline.

Being "Under the gun" means experiencing intense pressure to meet a deadline or to achieve a task within a limited time frame. This idiom originates from situations where there is literal or figurative high-stakes pressure, similar to being under threat. It's commonly used in professional settings where employees have to meet tight deadlines or in sports where players are under pressure to perform. Understanding and using this phrase can help in describing work environments or any scenario where time and performance pressure are critical elements.

Example Sentences

  1. He's under the gun to finish the report.

    He is feeling a lot of pressure to complete the report quickly.

  2. She feels under the gun with these deadlines.

    She is feeling high pressure due to tight deadlines.

  3. With the clock ticking, they were under the gun to make a decision.

    They felt a lot of pressure to make a quick decision as time was running out.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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