[Idiom] PUT THROUGH THE WRINGER. - Learn Exciting English Phrases That Express Challenges

Put through the wringer.

Put through the wringer.

Experience intense scrutiny or difficulty.

The idiom "put through the wringer" refers to going through a series of intense, difficult, or stressful experiences. Originally related to the old-fashioned clothes wringer, which would squeeze out water, the phrase now metaphorically describes a person being subjected to a tough situation that metaphorically squeezes them.

Example Sentences

  1. That job interview really put me through the wringer.

    The job interview was very challenging and stressful.

  2. She felt like she had been put through the wringer after a day of back-to-back meetings.

    She felt exhausted after a day filled with nonstop meetings.

  3. The comprehensive exam put the students through the wringer, testing every aspect of their knowledge.

    The comprehensive exam was very challenging, testing the students' complete knowledge.

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