[Idiom] PLAY THE FIELD. - Navigate the Intricacies of Modern Dating

Play the field.

Play the field.

/pleɪ ðə fiːld/

Date multiple people without committing to anyone.

Play the field" comes from sports but is often used in dating contexts, where one chooses not to commit to one person but instead explores options with multiple partners. It's about variety and experience in the social and dating scenes.

Example Sentences

  1. He decided to play the field before settling down.

    meaning of the sample sentence 1: He chose to date multiple people before deciding to commit to one person.

  2. Instead of committing, she's playing the field.

    meaning of the second sample sentence: She decides to date various people instead of committing to a single partner.

  3. After his breakup, Tom started playing the field to see what his options were.

    meaning of the sample sentence 3: Tom started dating casually to explore different relationships after his breakup.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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