[Idiom] NOT BORN YESTERDAY. - Valuing Experience and Wisdom in Decision Making

Not born yesterday.

Not born yesterday.


'Not born yesterday' means being experienced or not easily fooled, often used when someone attempts to deceive, but the attempt is transparent. It reflects skepticism towards something that seems deceptive or simplistic, asserting that the person addressed has enough life experience to recognize and reject falsehood or trickery.

Example Sentences

  1. You can't trick me, I wasn't born yesterday.

    You can't deceive me because I'm experienced.

  2. She knew what he was up to because she wasn't born yesterday.

    She was aware of his intentions because she’s experienced.

  3. Don't try to deceive me; I wasn't born yesterday.

    Don't try to deceive me; I'm not naive.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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