Call the shots.
Be in control.
If you're told that someone "calls the shots," it means they're the ones making the decisions or controlling a situation. The origin of this phrase comes from games or sports where a player dictates the next move, much like in billiards where a player "calls" a shot before taking it. In everyday life, this idiom is used to signify authority or leadership within a group or project.
Example Sentences
In our group, it's usually Lisa who calls the shots on project decisions.
In our group, Lisa usually makes the decisions on project matters.
Steve loves being the manager, particularly because he gets to call the shots.
Steve enjoys being the manager because he gets to make the decisions.
During the meetings, it’s clear that Jenna calls the shots, as everyone waits for her directions.
During the meetings, it's clear that Jenna makes the decisions as everyone waits for her directions.