[Idiom] UP THE ANTE. - Mastering the Game by Raising the Stakes

Up the ante.

Up the ante.

/ʌp ðə ˈænti/

To increase what is at stake or risk.

Up the ante" means to raise the stakes or increase the risk in a situation to achieve greater rewards. In poker, increasing the ante means putting more money at risk to win a bigger pot. Outside of gambling, this could involve a company deciding to invest more aggressively in a risky market with the potential for higher returns. This idiom encourages pushing the limits to achieve greater success, but also serves as a reminder of the increased risks involved.

Example Sentences

  1. They upped the ante in the negotiations.

    They increased the stakes or made higher demands in the negotiation process.

  2. We need to up the ante to stay competitive.

    To remain competitive, it's necessary to raise the stakes or improve performance.

  3. To win, he had to up the ante and increase his investment.

    In the competition, increasing his investment was necessary to have a chance at success.

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