[Idiom] A TOUGH NUT TO CRACK. - Tackling Challenges That Seem Nearly Impossible

A tough nut to crack.

A tough nut to crack.

difficult problem

Describing something as 'A tough nut to crack' suggests a difficult problem or situation that is hard to solve. Imagine trying to open a nut that’s particularly tough to break into to reach its fruit—this is what the idiom metaphorically compares challenging tasks to.

Example Sentences

  1. The new problem at work is a tough nut to crack.

    The new problem at work is very challenging.

  2. Negotiating the contract terms has been a tough nut to crack.

    Negotiating the contract terms has been very challenging.

  3. Convincing him to change his mind proved to be a tough nut to crack.

    Convincing him to change his mind proved to be very challenging.

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