[Idiom] GET YOUR WIRES CROSSED. - Untangling Misunderstandings Effectively

Get your wires crossed.

Get your wires crossed.


'Get your wires crossed' draws a vivid picture of electrical wires tangling, leading to a malfunction. Similarly, when people 'get their wires crossed,' they have misunderstood each other, leading to confusion or conflicts. This idiom is very useful in workplace settings, family gatherings, or among friends where clear communication is key to harmony and success.

Example Sentences

  1. They got their wires crossed and missed the meeting entirely.

    They miscommunicated and missed the meeting completely.

  2. Mary and John always seem to get their wires crossed when discussing summer plans.

    Mary and John always seem to miscommunicate when planning summer activities.

  3. The team got their wires crossed, leading to a schedule conflict at the event.

    The team miscommunicated, causing a schedule conflict at the event.

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