[Idiom] PLAY BY EAR. - Mastering Improvisation: Flexibility in Action

Play by ear.

Play by ear.

/pleɪ baɪ ɪər/


Play by ear" refers to performing music without reading the written notes, instead relying on one's listening abilities to guide the performance. This idiom has broadened to mean improvising or deciding how to handle a situation as it unfolds rather than sticking to a predefined plan. It underscores the importance of adaptability and intuition in dealing with life's unpredictability, highlighting skills that can lead to success in various domains, from music to business.

Example Sentences

  1. Let's play it by ear and decide later.

    The first sample suggests a flexible approach, deciding how to proceed at a later time.

  2. We'll have to play by ear how the meeting goes.

    The second sample indicates that the plan for the meeting will depend on how things unfold during the meeting itself.

  3. Given the uncertainty of the weather, we should play by ear and keep our plans flexible.

    The third sample advises maintaining flexibility in plans due to unpredictable weather.

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