[Idiom] RAINING ON PARADE. - How to Deal With Spoilers of Joy

Raining on parade.

Raining on parade.

/ˈreɪnɪŋ ɒn pəˈreɪd/

Spoil someone's pleasure or plans.

To "rain on someone's parade" means to spoil or dampen someone’s happiness or plans. It conjures the image of a literal rain falling during a parade, thus ruining the celebratory event.

Example Sentences

  1. Just as they set up the picnic, it started raining on their parade.

    Just as they set up the picnic, something ruined their plans.

  2. He didn't want to rain on her parade, but he had to tell her the truth about the surprise.

    He didn't want to spoil her excitement but had to reveal the truth.

  3. Her critical comments really rained on my parade during the celebration.

    Her critical comments dampened my celebration mood.

Time really flies when you're having fun!
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