[Idiom] TAKE A TOLL. - Understand the Impact: What Does It Mean to Take a Toll?

Take a toll.

Take a toll.

Cause damage or suffering.

When something "takes a toll," it causes damage, suffering, or loss, often in a gradual and insidious manner. Think of a toll road where you have to pay to proceed; similarly, certain events or stressors extract a emotional or physical 'price' as you navigate through them.

Example Sentences

  1. Working late every night really takes a toll on your health.

    It indicates that working late nightly negatively impacts your health.

  2. Not sleeping enough can take a toll on your energy levels.

    It means insufficient sleep adversely affects your energy levels.

  3. All that stress at work is starting to take a toll on her mental health.

    It suggests that work stress is having a detrimental effect on her mental well-being.

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