[Idiom] ADD FUEL TO THE FIRE. - How to Avoid Making a Bad Situation Worse

Add fuel to the fire.

Add fuel to the fire.

/æd fjuːl tə ðə faɪər/

Worsen a situation.

The idiom "add fuel to the fire" means to do or say something that worsens an already bad situation. It conjures images of literally throwing more fuel on a fire, causing it to burn more intensely. This phrase is often used in social, professional, or personal conflicts where escalating tensions can lead to more severe conflicts or problems. Recognizing and avoiding actions or words that could exacerbate a situation is crucial for conflict resolution and maintaining peaceful and productive interactions.

Example Sentences

  1. His comments only added fuel to the fire.

    The comment made the situation worse or more intense.

  2. Don't add fuel to the fire by spreading rumors.

    This warns against making a situation worse by spreading unverified information.

  3. Arguing about it now will just add fuel to the fire.

    This suggests that arguing will only escalate the situation or conflict, making it more severe.

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